To eat with the eyes
A selection of books spanning various Brazilian and international destinations, for small and big traveling gourmets; check it out
By the Edition Team
Posso provar? Histórias sobre comidas deliciosas Daniel Mizielinscy, Aleksandra Mizielinscy, Natalia Baranowska
Where do corn, wheat, and potatoes come from? What do people eat in Turkey, Italy, or Nigeria?
What is the origin of Indonesian tempeh and Israeli tcholent? How to prepare Iranian kuku sabzi, Greek avgolemono, Argentinean carbonada criolla?
What is essential in a Moroccan banquet? What is sold in a floating market in Vietnam?
The same authors of Maps – a breathtaking journey through the lands, seas, and cultures of the world now present a book about the foods and gastronomic customs of 26 countries.
In this true atlas of flavors, you will also find culinary curiosities and recipes from various places on Earth.

Dona Benta para crianças: Viagem culinária pelo mundo
The group got curious to explore the cuisine of other countries and decided to travel the world. They tasted empanadas, burritos, brownies, falafel, esfihas, chapatis, mousses… And came back with 32 tasty recipes in their luggage, along with a wealth of knowledge about the culinary history of 16 countries. In this book, you will find everything the Sitio Gang learned, as well as learn about the utensils and precautions necessary for preparing the recipes. Invite family and friends and join in on this delicious experience!
O Livro de Receitas de Harry Potter
Dinah Bucholz
A cookbook featuring all the foods and drinks that appear in the Harry Potter books? Dinah Bucholz combed through the entire series to bring us the delights of the wizarding world in this book that has sold over 1 million copies. Divided into ten chapters, the book presents recipes for more elaborate dishes, such as those prepared by Mrs. Weasley at the Burrow or those served at the feasts in the Great Hall, as well as the sweets and snacks found on the Hogwarts Express or at Honeydukes.
Many recipes are super easy and fun, especially for children and teenagers to make – always under adult supervision. The author also presents variations of recipes adapted so that kids don’t miss the chance to taste delights like the famous Butterbeer. Among countless recipes geared towards us Muggles, it’s also possible to find some secrets from the wizarding world to make treats like Cauldron Cakes, Licorice Wands, Chocolate Frogs, and Every Flavor Beans. A feast for creativity! With a touch of mystery and a pinch of creativity, you can transform everyday meals into magical works of art that would even make Mrs. Weasley proud!

A Deliciosa História da França
Stéphane Hénaut e Jeni Mitchell
In homage to the French chef Frédéric Monnier, who gave us a very interesting interview in this issue about how to feed children healthily and citizens of the world, we bring this book that unveils secrets of French cuisine.
From the recipe for cassoulet, which won a war, to the crepe, which defeated Napoleon; from the riots caused by bread and salt to the new culinary creations forged by the Empire, France’s history is closely intertwined with gastronomic adventures. Through a witty investigation of the facts and legends surrounding some of the most popular French dishes and wines, “The Delicious History of France” tells us the intriguing, and often surprising, story of France from Roman times to modern days. Written by a French cheese expert and an American intellectual with a Ph.D. in military studies from King’s College London, England.
Culinária Brasileira, Muito Prazer Roberta Malta Saldanha
Essential work to understand Brazilian cuisine, this book will help you discover our most typical ingredients and unravel the preparation of the most traditional recipes from our kitchen. Additionally, a star-studded team of 170 chefs, cooks, pastry chefs, mixologists, and professionals from North to South sign more than 170 recipes, forming a detailed panorama of Brazilian cuisine from yesterday and today. Each region of Brazil is divided into six chapters – Drinks; Appetizers and starters; Main courses and side dishes; Sweets, desserts, and other delicacies; Classic recipes and Ingredients – which bring a glossary of dishes and ingredients, as well as curiosities for you to learn a little more about our Brazil.

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