Is it okay to travel now?
A pediatrician at Sabará Children’s Hospital answers questions about the care families should now take when they go on vacation.
By Dr. Carolina Peev
Finally, some borders have at last opened, restrictions have eased, and families can think about venturing a little further than just a few miles by car. Dr. Carolina Peev is a pediatrician and allergist at the Sabará Hospital in São Paulo, which is a reference in high-complexity pediatric care for children and young people up to the age of 18. She answers the main questions about how to travel with the due care and attention at this time.
Are we now in a post-pandemic situation?
Yes, we can talk about an improvement in the pandemic. Covid 19 will become endemic, just like influenza. This virus will now circulate along with the other viruses.
What are the main precautions we should now take when we travel? What are the new safety precautions?
We must maintain the same care that we had before in periods of viral circulation: use tissues when you sneeze, wash your hands or use alcohol gel, and avoid enclosed places with small children.
If you have symptoms, it is best to wear a mask in order to prevent any spread of the virus.
When deciding on a destination, what should we take into account?
The time of the year because cold viruses usually circulate in the autumn and winter seasons. Consequently, the chances of catching something at this time increases.
Are some places riskier than others? Do you recommend more outdoor parks and fewer museums?
Yes, it is easier to catch diseases in enclosed environments. However, with the normalization of the disease, it will be difficult to stop going to museums, shopping malls and restaurants.
It would be best to go in the low season, at non-peak hours and with smaller groups of people.
Parks and beaches will always be quieter.
What about different types of transport?
Airplanes have high frequency air circulation, which reduces the chances of infection.
Subways, buses and trains are more prone to infection. However, with most of the population being vaccinated, the trend is that the virus will circulate less.
However, there is no way to prevent infection, just as with the flu.
Should interaction with other children be avoided?
No, children need social interaction.
However, avoid letting your sick child mix with those who are well. This attitude helps to prevent infectious outbreaks in schools and day-care centers.

What up-to-date vaccinations should the family have before traveling?
Refer to the calendar of the National Program of Immunizations (PNI) at the Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria.
Annual influenza vaccination.
Covid according to the age group.
Yellow fever for endemic regions. This is important for traveling families and has the advantage of being a single dose. Therefore, once taken, it’s forever. It is also worth asking for the International Certificate from Anvisa.
Has the first-aid kit changed? Do we need to take new items?
No. It remains the same for symptoms with fever and pain, vomiting and saline for inhalation and nasal hygiene.
Are the anti-Covid tests that we can now buy from pharmacies reliable?
The self-tests that are validated by the national health agencies are reliable. However, there are always chances of a false negative, especially if collected at the wrong period of the infection. Therefore, it’s good idea to retake the test at different times, as soon as the person has symptoms.
Is it possible to boost immunity before traveling?
Keeping a diet that is rich in fruits, legumes and vegetables is always helpful. Regular consultations with your pediatrician and being up-to-date with the vaccination calendar will aid immunity.
What to do if a family member has symptoms?
Isolate the ill person from the rest of the family, preferably in rooms with a bathroom, wear a mask and take a test. See the special guidelines that the Sabará Hospital has produced for children and adolescents with suspected Covid-19.
Now should we fear the old “Vitamin S (Sujeira)”? [Dirt in English] Is it outdated or is it still current?
No, it has to be maintained! Children need to explore and to develop their immune systems for other existing viruses. However, we must always take care of the hygiene of the locations where the child is playing.
Soil and grass and mud continue to rock!

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